Les huiles de massage ont de nombreuses utilités, vous pouvez les utiliser pour vous rendre à 100, ou tout simplement pour vous détendre après une longue journée de travail ou simplement pour ressentir le plaisir d'être caressé et choyé en vous faisant un massage.
All its characteristics make it slide smoothly and easily through your skin. Natural doesn't have any fragrance and will make your senses reach the peak of pleasure. Used by professional masseuses.
All its characteristics make it slide smoothly and easily through your skin. Seduction has got an incredible flower fragrance and will make your senses reach the peak of pleasure. Used by professional masseuses.
All its characteristics make it slide smoothly and easily through your skin. Stimulation has got an incredible peach fragrance and will make your senses reach the peak of pleasure. Used by professional masseuses.